Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hidden Jewels (1936)

Annette Sophie poem (1936) "Hidden Jewels"
"Hidden Jewels"
Bringing forth a treasure
Rain must be given a minute measure
Care, utmost caution,
Results are born from action.
Haste be not thy creed.
Crude or lovely patterns
are wrought by deeds.
Not the price, but cultivated soil
nurses the seeds.
Not the bandage, but surgeon's skill
cures the wound that bleeds.
The flame of love, that mother's plant,
pours from the soul a hidden giant
to conquer the baser parts,
to bringeth forth a role of finer arts.
Barred from all earthly glare,
the divine spark from heaven's sphere.
Toil, my child, will light the cave,
unveil the beauty that God thee gave.
The message that from the soul doth come
to high heights doth zoom,
charting the unknown.
Hence new thought is born.
Hidden jewels sparkle within,
untarnished, untouched, and clean.
But beware -- dim them not,
to reveal their beauty without a blot.

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